Heirloom Toile: A Brief History On Toile De Jouy

by Ameera Hammouda

Toile de jouy became a staple print in the 1760s out of necessity due to import restrictions. Almost 3 centuries later, it is still one of the most widely recognized prints in the world. 

What is toile de jouy?

You might not recognize the name, but we're almost certain you recognize the soft blue and cream hand-drawn caricature printed fabrics of toile. They can feature everything from people to nature, every print is completely fresh and unique. 

Jouy, does not actually mean "joy," although the print certainly does bring joy! It is actually the name of the French town where the print originated. Toile means cloth and so "toile de Jouy" means the cloth from Jouy, France. 

How we developed our exclusive toile de jouy: Heriloom Toile

As we only want to create product with intention, we didn't just want to use any random meaningless toile print in our collections. It was incredibly important to use a fabric, a toile de jouy print, that was completely our own and charged with incomparable value.

Our goal was to create a toile that depicted Arab and Muslim culture, something that held so much value and sentimentalism, it was worthy of becoming a family heirloom, and something to decorate with annually every Ramadan and Eid that wasn't wasteful or cliche.

Developing Heirloom Toile

Our exclusive toile was a collaborative development with Muslim-American-Pakistani Artist, Emmen Jaan.

Jaan is a talented artist often drawing figures, symbols, scripts and women from Muslim and Pakistani culture. Throughout everything in our Heirloom Toile collection you'll find familiar emblems such as medjool dates (بلح), mint tea (شاي), prayer beads (سُبْحَة), lanterns (فانوس رمضان), and watermelon (بطيخ)-all connecting to paint a picture of this sacred time of year.

Our toile products are then hand-printed and hand-sewn, giving every piece a unique character.

The lovely print is perfect to adorn your home and spirits this Ramadan, Eid and for years to come! We especially love a toile setting in the summer due to the classic blue and white colors. Our toile clothing is breathable and nostalgic, capturing the fresh moments of summer in the fabric.